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Sept 11th, 2013 – Petraeus visits with Duke Fellows
On September 11th, 2013, former CIA Director and retired Army General David Petraeus convened a small group discussion with Duke and UNC Fellows prior to addressing the Duke Community. Topics of discussion included future leadership challenges, national security in an ever more globalized world, and the use of “big ideas” in organizational transformation.
General Petraeus discusses future leadership challenges with Duke Fellows: (left to right) COL Nate Hunsinger, COL Ron Clark, and CDR Jamie Sands.From Left to Right: COL Nate Hunsinger, COL Ron Clark, CDR Jamie Sands, General David Petraeus, COL Jim Wanovich, LTC Neal Mitsuyoshi, Tim Nichols (CTPP Fellows Program Executive Director), and LTC Paul Darling