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UPDATE: CTPP Research Presentations | March 20, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 situation, this event has been cancelled for March 20, 2020. Check back for updates.

Come join us on Friday, March 20th for our annual CTPP Fellowship research presentations event. Each fellow has completed a research project on a topic of strategic importance and will present their findings to the Sanford community in a rolling event that includes a lunch buffet at 11:30am. Please feel free to walk in at any time.

0900-0915  Coffee Reception
0915-0920  Event Introduction by CTPP Executive Director Tim Nichols
0920-1000  COL Ed Croot, Green Beret Identity Crisis
1005-1045  LTC Mike Mourouzis – The Challenge of Intraorganizational Recruitment in Elite Organizations
1050-1130  LTC Matt Gomlak – 1000 Dead Horses: Soldiering in a Complex Environment
1130-1210  Lunch Buffet
1210-1250  COL Dave Butler – An Assassination Case Study: Beyond Belief When Conspiracies Are More Believable Than Truth
1255-1335  Aaron Honey – How Fast is Fast Enough? SOF Acquisition & Emerging Technology
1340-1420  Neil Reedy – Assessing Criticism of the FBI’s Interactions with the Muslim Community